02 Feb, 2012
Our program will motivate, educate, encourage, and develop leaders in our youth to insure that they become respectful, productive citizens and leaders of the future.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
• If you are in the need of prayer
• If you have an elderly love one that needs assistance, someone to help you care for them
• If you have a special needs person that needs services
• If you have a child that has behavior issues and you need help
• If you need in-home day care or companion services
• If you need help at home with home repairs or lawn services
• If you need employment services
• If you own a business and have job openings
• If you own a business and would like to list your business on our website
• If you would like to join our neighborhood sports program for adults and children
• If you would like to sign your sons and daughters up for mentoring and tutoring at home or on location
• If you would like to become a mentor or tutor
• If you have talent you can sign up for PKL ministries American Gospel Showcase talent search
• If you would like to donate clothing or furniture
Whatever your need is let us know about it by filling out the information